Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lamp shade decorated with felt

Lamp shade decorated with felt 

Lamp shade decorated with felt

This is an easy to project to bring some colorful mood into your home.


  • different colors sheets of pressed felt (as many as you have), it can be also leftovers from previous projects that you have done
  • buttons
  • 3 sizes of circles that you will need in order to have 3 sizes that are more or less equally smaller one from the other (here i use one coffee cup and one plastic cover for one- time use coffee cup- medium size)
  • scissors
  • hot silicone tool
  • lamp and lamp shade
For the begging of this project I would recommend you to choose colors of felt that will fit the room that you plan to put this lovely original lamp.

Lamp shade
Lamp shade

Pieces of pressed felt
Pressed felt

Shapes to cut around
Coffee cup and plastic cover 

Hot silicone tool
Hot silicone tool


Step 1

Cut the circles from felt, using the two sides of the coffee cup and the plastic cover (or whatever you use to keep the sizes of the circles). After the cutting you will have 3 sizes of circles from pressed felt. What is important to remember in this step is that you need to have equal number of the three sizes. For this project I have 17 circles of each size. The number of the circles depends mostly on how "rich" you want your lamp shade to be. Don't worry or think too much about it, after all you can always cut some more or just not use all of them :)

Circles from pressed felt
Circles from pressed felt

Step 2

In this stage of the project you have to connect the circles. You  can combine different colors which makes it very pleasant step. You should combine the circles 3 by 3 and each combination should be made with the 3 sizes with a button on the top. You can connect them by sewing them or by using the hot silicone tool. Here in this project I preferred to sew them with green thread. But it's all up to your point of view.

Felt decoration
Connecting the felt circles

Felt decoration for lamp shade
Connected felt circles

Step 3

In this step you simply apply the connected felt circles to the lamp shade. You can arrange them the way you want. In order to fix them to the surface of the lamp shade you should use the hot silicone tool. In the begging stick them only in the middle.

Stick the felt decoration on the lamp shade
Put the hot silicone only in the middle

Sticking the felt decoration to the lamp shade
Stick the felt decoration one by one

Sticking the felt decoration on the lamp shade
Almost ready felt decoration

Step 4 

Fill the "blanks" with some felt. Between the circles you might have some space that you can actually see the original surface of the lamp shade. What you have to do is just fill this spaces with some felt. In order to do it you have to cut some pieces in the shape (more or less) of the empty space and stick it below the circles. After that you can stick the end of the felt circles (I mean the biggest circle to the lamp shade).

Empty space between the felt circles
Empty space between the felt circles

Small piece of felt
Small piece of felt

Fill the empty space between the felt circles
Fill the empty space between the felt circles

Step 5

After you are done just connect your lamp and bring it to light! :)

Lamp shade decorated with felt
Lamp shade decorated with felt

Lamp shade decorated with felt
Lamp shade decorated with felt 
Enjoy :)


  1. Very interesting and pretty project! Thank you for sharing your inspiration!
