Unique accessories are always something that is impressive. Making simple decorations from felt on usual accessories that we wear anyway will make them special and will make you fell special.
Here there is a simple but very effective idea:
You will need:
1. One tiara
2. Pressed felt (few colors)
3. Hot silicon tool+ silicon stick
First of all you should choose a tiara, I would recommend that the tiara itself will be plastic and from the wide type. It works pretty good when the tiara is in strong color like blue, red, pink and so on. After you have chosen the color of the tiara you should choose the color of the felt decoration. It will be very good if one on the colors that you chose for the pressed felt is the same like the one of the tiara, because like it will look more natural.
Than make few circles as described in the brooch tutorial. What will be the best is if these will be in few sizes. Firstly place the circles on the tiara and arrange them in the way that looks the best for you, but still position them in one of the sides (left or right). You can make them look like a flower or like a butterfly, or just put them randomly next to each other. After you have the conception on how they must be positioned, than simply stick them to the surface of the tiara and just for the decoration to be more stable you can slightly stick the circles to each other in their down part. Let the silicon cool and here you go :) you have your customized and unique tiara :)
Plastic tiara decorated with felt |
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